Start Your Road to Financial
Independence at Any Age
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How to incorporate money and finances into your child’s everyday life.
Are you feeling stressed from high prices?
Are you paying interest on your credit card
Worried about money, want to improve your finances
The importance of starting a retirement account early.
Is your teen ready to leave home and live independently
Budgeting teaches kids how to wait
Importance of saving and investing
Does your teen have money skills
Teach your 3 year old that chores = treat
Learn basic finance concepts for you and your children
How can you teach your teen to evaluate alternatives and make decisions
Are you feeling stressed from high gas and food prices?
Good relationships
Want to educate yourself or your children about financial basics?Check out these story-based books:
Is your teen planning to live independently soon?
Money smart kids make good choices
Have you wondered how to budget now that you are partners?
Do finances seem overwhelming?
How to incorporate finances into your child’s everyday life.