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Educating yourself now can set you on the path to a fulfilling and stress-free retirement. Retirement Guidebook: From Planning Your Retirement to Enjoying It is designed to help you at any stage. Whether you're a 40-year-old just starting to plan, a 60-year-old nearing retirement, or a 75-year-old realizing life may extend longer than expected, this guide simplifies complex topics like investing, Social Security, taxes, and Medicare.
With stories and examples that break down complicated concepts, you'll be able to navigate retirement with confidence, no matter your current knowledge.
Check out our books on retirement and financial independence at htps://parentsfin.wixsite.com/website/books or our books on Amazon
Retirement Guidebook-From Planning Your Retirement to Enjoying It
Financial Essentials for Women by Women
Raising Financially Independent Children
Financially Independent Teens

nancial Essentials for Couples
Amazon searches by author are the easiest way to find the by The Authors are Nancy Burgandine and Irene VanDyk
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