You may have noticed that the stock market has dropped quite a bit in 2022! Is this an opportunity to invest for the long term? Read about investing and many other topics in our short, informative books sold on Amazon. On average, wealth creation via the stock market has been an important part of securing your financial future. Long-term investors have been rewarded, and all too often, investors jump out just when they should jump in. Start your road to financial independence at any age! It is our belief that financial education should start when children are young and continue throughout life. “Financial independence for children, teens, and adults” is a series of short books focused on a specific age group or life event. Topics include teaching your child or teen about money, raising children to be money smart, what you need to know when living independently for the first time, blending financial priorities and spending habits as a couple, investing, preparing for retirement and more. You will become educated in creating financial plans, how to budget, managing credit, setting up accounts, and planning for retirement and investing. Our series includes four books: Raising Financially Independent Children, Financially Independent Teens, Financial Essentials and Financial Essentials for Couples.
Our books are available on Amazon as a Kindle or print book. Our website has additional information that you may find useful.
These books highlight important topics like those below:
·Creating financial goals and values
·Budgeting ·Building your credit score
·Determining your investment risk tolerance
·Investing in stocks
·Setting up retirement accounts
·Empowering yourself to be financially confident and competent
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