Have you ever wished to earn more money, without putting much effort?
Are you concerned about saving enough for retirement and your child’s education?
Compounding takes place when the returns or interest generated on the principal amount in the first period is added back to the principal amount to calculate the interest for the following periods.
Did you know that An investment of $10,000 in “SPY” on 12/31/2012 grew to $40,819 by 12/31/2023. This means that the $10,000 invested at the end of 2012 increased by $30,819!
Want to learn more about investing? Check out our eBook Investing for Financial Independence What to find the money to start Investing? Check out the more complete books in our financial independence series
Check out our books on financial independence at
https://parentsfin.wixsite.com/website/books or our books on Amazon
Raising Financially Children
Financially Independent Teen
Financial Essentials for Couples
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