Going off to college means being responsible for your daily finances. To do this well, your teen needs to be educated on what it takes to handle their budget and how to move through the month with enough money left to pay bills when they come due. If they know how to make good buying decisions and manage credit, they are far ahead of the game. Many landlords want to see a good credit score before renting, and utilities may require a large deposit if credit ratings are poor. Your teen can open a retirement account when they have paid employment. It is helpful to begin saving and investing while young so that stock market gains and compounded investments have a very long time to grow. College financial aid is often a bit tricky to fully understand. Be sure to analyze the pros and cons of your various options to pick the best one for yourself and your teen. One important consideration in looking at the overall cost of education is how long it takes to get a degree at the school of your choice.
Financially Independent Teens is written for teens and their parents, offering insight into many of these topics. Setting up accounts, budgeting, saving, investing, and credit are covered. Evaluating college loans as well as exploring college budgets are examined using examples and stories to provide greater clarity and ease of understanding. Financially Independent Teens is sold on Amazon.
Check out our books and other posts on financial independence at
https://parentsfin.wixsite.com/website/books or our books on Amazon
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