You may be surprised to learn that you can begin to teach your children how to be comfortable with money at a very young age while they are learning valuable skills that will help them in their everyday life. Here is a very creative way that Rosa introduced her young children to: a) helping the environment, b) making money through recycling (and work generally), c) learning how to save, d) experimenting with how to make purchasing choices, and e) learning how to delay gratification. And all of this happened as a family activity, so the children learned how to cooperate with each other too!
Rosa, a single mom, wanted to teach her children the value of money so she started by teaching two-year-old Juanita how to sort the recycling. Juanita got half of the money when they went every month to the recycling center. When baby brother, Pedro, turned two, the money was split three ways. They always had the choice of spending the money when they left the recycling shop or putting it in their money bottle at home. If they later asked for a toy, they had to take the money out of their money bottle. Often, when the children saw how empty the toy would make the money bottle become, they changed their mind!
Learn more about teaching children about work, money, delayed gratification, and savings on our website or in our books
Check out our books on financial independence at or our books Raising Financially Independent Children, Financially Independent Teens, Financial Essentials for Couples, Financial Essentials for Women by Women, and Financial Independence Essentials on Amazon
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