As a parent of a high school or college student, you need to make sure your child is ready for their journey to independence. Discussing money and budgeting is an important first step. money and budgeting. No matter what the level of financial support you are giving, you want to make sure that money is used wisely. To this end you must educate your child how to budget to make sure they have enough money at the end of the month or semester so that they are not asking for emergency help. They should understand how to manage credit cards by paying them off on a regular basis. Not sure how or where to start Financially Independent Teens is a story-based book full of examples to guide you on this journey. You will find stories and examples on budgeting, avoiding fraud, how to use credit cards, comparing college costs and many other topics that will help your child be successful while on their own.
For more information check out our website or our books Raising Financially Independent Children, Financially Independent Teens, Financial Essentials for Couples, Financial Essentials for Women by Women , Budgeting for Women by Women (minibook)s and Financial Essentials on Amazon
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