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Learn why every woman needs to have a basic understanding of finance investing and budgeting


Many women are held back by stereotypes or parental role models that make them believe that women cannot do certain tasks This is not true. Women are just as smart and capable as men We feel strongly that the greatest impact on future financial well-being is education. supports women to find ways to develop healthy habits in spending and saving. You will learn what is important in creating an emergency fund, setting up a budget, and starting a retirement fund as early as possible. Establishing prudent financial habits empowers you to be more confident in your future financial independence. Topics covered include

  • How do I manage bills and expenses?

  • How do I set up my budget?

  • Recognizing how important financial competence is to women

  • Creating financial goals

  • Overcoming the subtle barriers to financial success that women face

  • Planning how to make your dreams become reality

  • Establishing an emergency fund

  • Setting up a budget based on a women’s perspective

Budgeting for Women by Women is a mini-e-book targeted at the specific questions that you may have as you plan your budget. For a more comprehensive view, Financial Essentials for Women by Women supports women not only in budgeting, but also in addition to find ways to communicate effectively about money, setting up accounts that support their future financial goals, and developing competence in saving, investing, and starting a retirement fund. You will get information about the financial implications of getting married, having children, buying a house, and retiring. You will learn what is important in establishing credit, creating an emergency fund, setting up a budget, and starting a retirement fund as early as possible to harvest the benefit of compound investing.

Check out our books and other posts on financial independence at

Raising Financially Children

Financially Independent Teen

Financial Essentials for Couples

Budgeting for Women by Women

Financial Essentials


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#Moneysmartwomen # moneybookforwomen # Investingforwomen

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