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Learn basic finance concepts for you and your children


What does financial independence mean:

• Feeling comfortable with money

• Being able to make trade offs

• Being able to save for something

• Having savings for unexpected expenses

• Having good credit

• Planning for retirement

• Understanding what banks and investment companies do

• Being able to manage your money

• Knowing how to create a budget

Currently, there is no formal education on financial literacy. Our books provide focused education to specific audiences; we provide information that is timely and on-topic. Parents are largely responsible for educating their children in financial matters, although many parents did not get educated while growing up and therefore struggle to teach these skills to their children - and may be coping with money management and financial independence problems of their own. Raising Financially Independent Children shares ways to teach that are fun so that your child can grow up confident and competent in handling their finances when they begin to live on their own. Financially Independent Teens examines the choices and decisions that must be made during middle and high school from a financial perspective. Financial Independence Essentials provides basic financial information for everyone but is especially helpful to people just starting out on their own. Financial Essentials for Couples is aimed at adults living together and includes topics such as different approaches to sharing bills, cohabitation and prenup agreements, and other important legalities. Financial Essentials for Women by Women empowers women to find ways to communicate effectively about money, set up accounts that support their future financial goals, develop healthy habits in spending, saving, investing, and starting a retirement fund.

Check out our Financial Independence Series sold on Amazon. The series includes Financial Essentials, Raising Financially Independent Children, Financially Independent Teens, Financial Essentials for Couples and Financial Essentials for Women by Women. Also visit our website

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