“Maria and Manuel were diligent with having a budget, tracking it, and trying to stay within their budget. They had $400 budgeted each month for entertainment and eating out. This was a big area of contention every month with Maria wanting to eat out 2-3 times per week at a reasonably priced restaurant where the bill for the two of them was $25-$50. Manuel wanted to go to nicer restaurants and have a glass of wine, so the bills were $90-$120 per meal. Finally, they decided they needed two budget categories for eating out – Maria’s dining picks and Manuel’s dining picks. They split the $400 into two buckets. They each picked restaurants every month until their budget was used up. This allowed both to get what they wanted while staying in budget.”
Financial Essentials for Couples includes stories like these as the book covers how to communicate effectively about money; set up accounts that support your future financial goals; develop healthy habits in spending, saving, and investing; and start a retirement fund. You will get information about what is needed for the most common life events encountered by couples, such as what to consider when getting married, having children, buying a house, and retiring.
Check out our books and other posts on financial independence at
https://parentsfin.wixsite.com/website/books or our books on Amazon
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