The cost of college is not the number you see on the financial aid award. Many people just look at the bottom line when they see a financial aid award, but this is not accurate because it typically includes several different loans as well as scholarships
Our book Financially Independent Teens goes into more detail on how to do a college cost comparison and the importance of learning the average number of semesters it takes to graduate from each college you are comparing
The book Financially Independent Teens, available on Amazon, goes into many more topics than just financing college. It covers the basics of what every young person should learn about money, budgeting, credit, investing, your first job, entrepreneurship and how to plan for a successful life after college.
Check out our books on financial independence at or our books Raising Financially Independent Children, Financially Independent Teens, Financial Essentials for Couples, Financial Essentials for Women by Women, and Financial Independence Essentials on Amazon
Our website has additional information that you may find useful.
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