Our books, posts and blogs focus on helping children and adults achieve financial literacy.. Raising Financially Independent Children shares ways to teach that are fun so that your child can grow up confident and competent in managing their finances when they begin to live on their own. It includes topis like value driven allowance and teaching the value of work via chores. Financially Independent Teens examines the choices and decisions that must be made during middle and high school from a financial perspective including vocational school and college choices. Financial Independence Essentials provides basic financial information for everyone Financial Essentials for Couples is aimed at adults living together and includes topic such as sharing bills, cohabitation and prenup agreements. These books discuss the basics of investing and the stock market, ways to budget, saving for major expenses, how to maintain good credit. and many ways to conquer your financial goals.
For more information check out our website https://parentsfin.wixsite.com/website/books or Amazon
Raising Financially Independent Children
· Strategies for each stage of your child’s development
· Broad age ranges from 2 through 20
· Incorporates finances into child’s everyday life
· Story-based and full of examples
· Empowers your child to make smart money decisions
· Shows how children can learn to budget
Financially Independent Teens
· College, vocational school, and career options
· Comparisons of schools
· Detailed student loan section
· Story-based and full of examples
· How to budget
Financial Independence Essentials
· Concise overview of sound financial practices
· Includes basics of everyday finances
· Discusses the importance of powers of attorney, Wills and Trusts
Financial Essentials for Couples
· Aimed at adults living together
· Different approaches to sharing bills and budgets
· Includes basics of everyday finances
· Important documents for people in relationships
· Cohabitation agreements and prenups, what to consider.
· Understand your joint and individual financial goals and risk tolerance
