Start Your Road to Financial
Independence at Any Age
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Learn why every woman needs to have a basic understanding of finance investing and budging
Does your teen have the money skills to be ready for life after high school?
Do you have control over your money? Is money causing you stress?
How can you teach your teen to evaluate alternatives & make decisions with realistic financial goals
Understand your credit score.
How do you learn to manage your money? Do you have goals you would like to attain?
How do your children learn to be financially responsible?
Do you and your partner disagree over money? What are the ways to split expenses?
What is a rich life? What makes me happy?
Are You Financially Literate?
Are you ignoring free money? Probably yes if your company offers a 401K or 403b?
Are you educating your teens about money? If not, who is?
Should I be buying treasuries?
What are you teaching your child when you go to the grocery store?
Women have unique finance needs
Do you have control over your money? Is money causing you stress?
Achieve Financial Literacy. Guides for Teens, Parents and All Adults
What is a rich life? Money smart women
Have you educated your teen to be financially competent and confident?